Adventurer's League Monthly Roundup June 2024


This month's roundup of published Adventurer's League modules on the DMs Guild.

These are very much a first-impressions view based on reading the description and whatever preview is available. I will look at look at the art, layout and text and give a brief summary of what it is about and whether I think it looks worthy of further investigation based on the preview.

I plan to use this research to find some adventures I want to run then I can come back and update my impressions and link to a more detailed review but I think if this is useful to me then hopefully it will be useful to other people too. 

I don’t think it is worthwhile or fair to give ratings to adventures I haven’t run but I have ranked them in a rough top to bottom order of how much I would consider running them based on the previews and descriptions. I still plan to buy and run whatever my top pick is and do a proper review but COVID finally got it's claws in me after I escaped it for 4 years and it was pretty rough, so last month's pick, Liches Just Want to Have Fun is still waiting on me running it for a proper review. 

In June there were 15 new adventures published, 14 Dungeoncraft and 1 Premier Organizer module from Gamehole Con. There were also convention modules for Strategicon and several introductory adventures in a series by the Melbourne DDAL community. A good month for the number of modules and variety of publishers.

Everything this month is suitable for play in the Forgotten Realms Adventurer's League campaign. Several were part of an ongoing series but they all seem quite loosely connected and would work as stand-alone adventures.

I’m not looking at bundles or Roll20 conversions of existing modules, just original AL legal adventures published in the last month. 

Content warnings are those provided by the author.  

Phandelver and the Blood Moon Crypts


Tier 2, 4 Hours, Forgotten Realms 

Billed as an "Old School-Inspired Forgotten Realms Dungeoncraft" it claims to "pay homage to old school dungeon crawling focusing on classic yet thrilling tropes", it incorporates objectives that can be inserted as narratively appropriate rather than in a set location, it aims for an old school style of brief descriptions to avoid flipping backwards and forwards to run a scene and a lack of exposition, players uncover the story through information they find. 

It is set in and around Phandalin and provides an alternate storyline after the Lost Mine Starter set than the one provided in Shattered Obelisk. 

This looks very good to me, unfortunately the sample is quite brief so I can't evaluate fully if it meets it's objectives but from what I can see the design and layout is very good, it uses Dyson maps as well as a commissioned one that looks like a similar style for the old-school feel, there is a clear introduction to the relevant Lore and Factions and a good "session Zero" section discussing the themes of the adventure and the expectations of player and DM behaviour.

I like the look of this and it is my Pick of the Month, though I will check out the previous module first, this looks like it will be a promising series if the other entries are the same quality.  

Content Warning: Oppression (kidnapping), Substance (Poison), Environmental Hazard (Mold)


Blue Wyrm Rhapsody


Tier 2, 4 Hours, Forgotten Realms

Another entry in Liga dos Adventureiros' Forgotten Wyrms anthology, there is an introduction by Ed Greenwood giving some background to the featured dragon, Olonthor, the Minstrel Wyrm. 

I am not a huge fan of deep Forgotten Realms lore but I think that if you are you will enjoy this adventure just for the lore and should at least download the review and read the introduction.  

A heavily musically themed adventure (you need to find a missing halfling and help him win a battle of the bands) it comes with a suggested playlist to set the tone appropriately. The preview is short but it seems to have strong social pillar element with information gathering and negotiation sections. 

The graphic design is basic but will be updated "soon". Previous series entries do have attractive layout, artwork and maps but there is no indication when it will be updated. (as of 2nd July April's entry is done, May's is not).   

Phandelver and the Blood Moon Coven


Tier 2, 4 Hours, Forgotten Realms

Another old-school-inspired adventure, continuing the authors alternate post Lost Mine storyline. The story doesn't grab me as much as the previous instalment, there is a lot of dealing with hags and they can be tricksy for the DM as well as for the players but the presentation is once again spot-on and the pdf looks very usable. 
I don't know if I would run this as a single adventure but it certainly doesn't put me off running the series.

Black and white top down and isometric maps are provided and there is appropriate black and white spot art.

Content Warning: Abuse (manipulation), Death (suffocation)


Pride for Phlan


Tier 3, 4 Hours, Forgotten Realms

A Pride themed adventure for Pride month, unfortunately I'm reviewing it in July and missed the date, but lots of cities in the UK have pride events in July so there's no reason Phlan can't. 

Disclaimer, I'm a cishet dude, I'm pro-LGBTQ+ rights but not in a campaigning way, so I'm not really the target audience for this. I rank these in order of how excited I personally am to run them so its position should be viewed in that light. 

It looks like a fun adventure, the party will organize supplies, performers etc. for a Pride festival, defeat an evil cult trying to disrupt it and fight a homophobic tarrasque.     

Inclusive plot hooks are included, you can be a Pride fan but characters may also be doing it just for the money. 

The design is basic but there is nice NPC art by the author. I suspect if this is your sort of thing you will love it, if it isn't your sort of thing but you are anti-bigot you will still have a good time. The reviews are excellent and there is obviously a market for this. I'm not going to run it this year but I will consider it for June next year.


A Ship on Silent Seas


Tier 2, 4 Hours, Border Kingdoms (Forgotten Realms)

A premier organizer module from Gamehole Con set in their exclusive Border Kingdoms region of the Forgotten Realms. 

A ship is missing, it seems like a milk-run, a party of experienced adventurers should have no trouble and can spend a few days in rest and relaxation on the high seas. 

Tracking down a survivor from the missing ship the party learn of a curse, they must hunt for the ship, deal with a cult and complete a ritual to remove the curse. 

This seems like a solidly written adventure with plenty of swashbuckling high-seas action. The production is professional with an attractive layout. Maps are by Dyson and are likely black and white but should be good quality.


Sweet Dreams are Made of Teas


Tier 1, 2 Hours, Forgotten Realms

Another pun-tastic entry in Jamie Chan's "Sweet Dreams" series set in Waterdeep. 

A tea maker has been cursed, you must find them in Skullport and brew a cure. The preview ends on what may be a sticking point for some characters but I'm not sure how it is resolved because of where it finishes, though the author has lots of experience with DC modules so I will be surprised if it isn't well handled. 

The pdf is well put-together with simple but effective art and full colour professional maps, it is also available in a print-friendly version. 


Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner


Tier 4, 4 Hours, Planescape

A group of fiends are selling the secret to escaping Sigil's maze to the highest bidder, the party need to chase them down before the blood sacrifices start. Or so they think, actually this was all just a ruse to trap the party in a demioplane, the Theatre of Chaos, and sell the viewing rights to their escape as entertainment. The will compete in various games before fighting a Dracolich to escape.  

The adventure seems fine if a little silly and I don't love the twist. The pdf is well presented, better than the standard DC template without being overdone, though there is no art in the preview other than the cover and no mention of maps etc.

Content Warning: abducted NPCs, vengeful spurned lover (optional)


The Broken Stronghold


Tier 2, 2 Hours, Forgotten Realms 

The Melbourne DDAL community have created several adventures this month, there will be a series of 7 in total, the Protectors of the Weave Saga. All of the modules this month are introductory ones that can be played in any order and all lead into the final 2 adventures that are planned. They are all nicely formatted and edited, clearly the community has put a lot of effort into this. They all deserve to rank higher really but I'm just not that excited by 2 hour modules.

Travelling to the village of Silvio's Glen in Neverwinter Wood the party discover the village has come under a malign influence bringing the villager's dreams and nightmares to life, they are attacked by orcs in thrall to an illithid, follow the raiders back to their base and confront the illithid and more minions. 

There is quite a lot of backstory as to how the orcs and illithid got here but the preview doesn't make it clear how much of it will come up. The author likes to write "action packed, high octane adventures with a focus on combat and mechanical crunch" so expect crunchy combat rather than a lot of social and exploration play.

The adventure seems fine, the story is simple but there is a limit to how much you can do in two hours. The pdf is nicely laid out with some spot art. Includes colour maps and handouts. 

Content Warning: Abuse (mind control), Body Horror (transformation) Mental Health (“madness”) Stigma (mention)


Signs of Corruption


Tier 2, 2 Hours, Forgotten Realms

Another entry in Melbourne DDAL's Protector's of the Weave saga. In this one a monstrous creature has attacked Neverwinter causing mass casualties, however instead of simply killing the monster it has been captured. The party are hiredto investikgate the massacre and must find a way to study the monster, locate where it was created and deal with whatever is found there. It concentrates on exploration and combat but has some opportunity for roleplay.

The module is well laid out and comes with colour maps though they are not shown in the preview. 

Content Warning: Body Horror


Debilitating Dairy


Tier 3, 4 Hours, Forgotten Realms

An illithid colony using the power of an ancient artifact have contacted the Far Realm and recieved a message they believe to be from the illithid deity Ilsensine, however they have actually contacted an archfey with a connection to the Far Realm. The archfey has directed the illithids to begin mass conversion and has pointed them to a nearby dragon lair. 

The party are recruited by an NPC, Terry Balando, to infiltrate the colony and remove the corruption from the artefact. 

The adventure seems quite silly, as suggested in one of the adventure hooks I know the author and have indeed adventured with the PC version of Terry. Ice-cream features heavily in the preview and I expect it will be found throughout the adventure. 

The module design is the basic DC template and while there are no details cartography is by Tom Cartos so I expect good quality colour maps

Content Warning:  abduction and imprisonment, mind control, body horror (non-player character transformation, mutilation)




Tier 2, 2 Hours, Forgotten Realms

Another Melbourne DDAL community module, the preview link is broken for this one but the party is searching for a missing investigator who was investigating a monster outbreak. 

The listing hints at dark secrets in the village and a possible twist, the main pillars are exploration and combat. 

Based on the other modules they released this month it is likely to be a well put-together module and includes colour maps and handouts.

Content Warning: Body Horror, Child Endangerment 




Tier 4, 4 Hours, Planescape

Following on from Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner also out this month. The party discover the mastermind behind the abductions and games has made a deal with to deliver the souls of various abducted creatures to Orcus to be raised as powerful undead. 

After tracking him to a party the mastermind escapes and the party chase him across various planes before finding him with Orcus who is raising an army of the undead and must be stopped. 

The preview makes it seem a little madcap and disconnected, it will probably read better in full but it does seem to be the typical tier 4 silliness. 

The pdf is nicely presented but no mention of handouts or maps is made. 

Content Warning: Abducted NPCs


Mistbourne: The Musical


Tier 2, 2 Hours, Forgotten Realms

The Melbourne DDAL community have several adventures out this month, the first 4 parts of a 7 part series. This is the first one.

I'm not sure what to think of it, the villain is a drag queen that feels like it could be a problematic trope,though we don't meet them in the preview and it does seem fairly LGBTQ+ positive. The call to action has a lot of improv about what the parties last mission was, there is a musical performance that involves everyone writing lyrics and performing them. The final section is a combat but not included in the sample.
I feel like with the right group this could be a really good time, but I've played in enough pickup groups to know that some players are really going to struggle with the improv aspects and reactions to the drag villain might vary. 
I would run this for friends but not for an open-table. 

The writing is clear and there is attractive black and white (I assume stock) spot art through the pdf.

Content Warning: Abuse (mind control), Body Horror (transformation) Mental Health (“madness”) Stigma (mention)


A Devious Deva's Deduction


Tier 2, 4 Hours, Planescape

The art style initially put me off this , I've seen a lot of AI "art" in this style but it is hand drawn. A murder-mystery set in Sigil with 6 potential endings.

A deva has been killed and their research partner wants the party to investigate, the party investigate locations and solve puzzles, it is very heavy on the exploration pillar.

It isn't for me, it looks fine but just doesn't fit what I enjoy as a DM, but there is an extensive preview if you think you might like it.  

Includes NPC artwork, handouts and colour maps in an attractive pdf.

Content Warning: Alcohol, Betrayal, Emotional Manipulation, Gore (mild mentions), Mental Instability, Phobias (mentions of blood and rats).

Undead Like Me


Tier 2, 4 Hours, Planescape

Hired to put to rest the ghost of a troublesome brother-in-law the party will discover the real reason for the ghosts death, confront various undead and then make a decision. 

The preview is a little short on detail about the decision to be made, the adventure looks fine as far as it goes, a little silly but that seems to be a hallmark of these Strategicon modules. 

This one isn't as well laid out as I would like, nested bullet lists are hard on the eye and the design is the DC template basic. I'd be interested to see the whole module, but probably not so interested I'd actually buy it. 

No art or maps are evident in the preview. 

Content Warning: Mass Killing, Dismemberment, and Annoying In-Laws













